Sunday, July 11, 2010

7 Steps To Creating A Profitable Online Business

If you can create a profitable online business,
you're almost guaranteed of being able to
leave your 9-5 job and work for yourself. Living
a lifestyle where you don't need to get up early
in the morning and you have no one to answer to.

Here are 7 steps on how you can create a profitable
online business for yourself.

1. Find a niche and do your research
You need to find a niche which you are interested
in selling to and do some research on the type
of products that are selling.

Note down improvements you can make to the
existing products and imagine how well the
market will accept it.

2. Write an eBook
Write an eBook based on a popular topic you have
found on your research. Make sure that the best
information is given. You want your customers to
be more than pleased after reading your eBook.

3. Design a professional web page
To sell an eBook, you need to have a good looking
web design so that the prospects will trust you.

Having an unprofessional , awful design will
hurt your sales. So outsource your web design
if you're not capable of doing it yourself.

4. A Sales Letter
You need to write a good sales letter which
explains the benefit of the product to the
customers. A good sales letter is hard to
write. If you are not good at writing sales letters,
you may consider outsourcing it to a copywriter.

This is the most important factor in marketing
your product. It is what persuades the prospects
to buy your product.

5. Create a squeeze page Create a web page with
the sole purpose of capturing your prospect's
email address. All your traffic generation methods
should be promoting this link.

6. Develop an autoresponder series
Follow up with your subscribers after they sign up
to your squeeze page with an autoresponder

You should give educate the subscribers with
good information and promote the eBook you

7. Create more products
Create another related product and sell it to
the existing customers and subscribers which
you have built.

Create another eBook or an audio version of
the eBook. The objective is to continue
building your list of subscribers and customers
so that you can sell more to them.

This is the blueprint to a profitable online business.
Many people have managed to earn a consistent
6 figure income doing this by outsourcing it to
professionals and taking the profits themselves.

Get 10 online businesses in your name and
earn a huge amount of cash at:

The system includes design, sales letter, ebook,
video squeeze page, autoresponder series and
download page - Dwayne Latimer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Use Internet Marketing to Build Your Business

No matter what business in you're in, you can put the Internet to use for you and use it to help you build your business and rake in more sales. The statistics on how many people are online now are mind-blowing. As of November of last year, there are over One Billion people online. This gives all of us an incredible opportunity to grow our businesses – to global proportions, if that's what we want. However, the Internet is not without pitfalls and obstacles. In fact, if you make the wrong move, you can find yourself in very real danger of losing everything you've worked so hard to build. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to using the Internet to market your business: Click Here For More Information